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How tuning into your Chakras can transform your limiting beliefs.

Writer's picture: Sinéad RobertsonSinéad Robertson

Updated: Sep 24, 2024

Our lives are woven into a web of life that connects us all. We are as much a part of our environment as our environment is a part of what we are.

Our vessels and energetic pathways (meridians) follow along the landscape of connective tissue in our body creating pathways. These energetic pathways can be measured and mapped using electrical tools because they are very electrically receptive and highly conductive compared to the surrounding tissue.

When our energetic pathways become stagnant or blocked; our energy can no longer flow so easily affecting how our mind, body interact with one another. And when we exercise these meridians, we improve our connectivity to ourselves and our environment.

So how can a stagnant, blocked or unbalanced energetic line manifest in day to day life?

  • difficulty communicating freely and forming connections with others;

  • not feeling good enough to be who you truly are;

  • withdrawing from communication for fear of confrontation or consequence;

  • working hard to keep your head above water;

  • unable to see the long term goal;

  • struggling to sleep;

  • feeling anxious;

The list goes on and on...

Why do these blocks arise in our energetic body?

How you feed the mind and body goes a long way in how our mind + body interacts.

What you feed the mind and body is EVERYTHING you consume; from what you eat and drink, the quality of air you breathe in to the information and energy you surround yourself in.

I invite you to bring your attention to the latter; the information and energy you have been influenced by from your childhood to where you are now.

Your body is continuously seeking out information to keep you safe. And when its performing effectively, you won’t be aware of this function, so that you can go seamlessly with your day focussing your attention elsewhere.

What if your mind and body didn’t receive all the information it needed to be wholly balanced and to perform at its best?

What if you don’t know...?

  • what it feels like to feel truly safe in yourself and in your environment

  • how to build strong boundaries that protects your energy whilst allowing new connections to be formed

  • how to balance work and play;

  • how to calm your nervous system,

  • how to feel enough as you are;

These are all vital skills that often go missed in childhood experiences and require the adult self to take responsibility and re-learn the fundamentals of being a healthy human.

The human experience

We start our human existence, placing our trust in our parents or guardians for our survival.

Being carried in your mother's womb for 9 months with a sense of safety. And then through childhood, you can only assume that your experience from your arrival to adulthood is “normal”, and that your mind and body receives all the knowledge it requires to teach it to be a healthy adult.

Your childhood is the programming stage for the remainder of your existence.

Your body stores information as memory in your body's tissues, organs and energy fields on what is and isn’t safe, whether the information you have received is true or not.

Your nervous system connects your mind and body together listening to its surrounding stimuli of what is safe, and how to respond and keep you safe.

The stimuli seeking out danger to keep you safe does not discriminate on danger in terms of impact. Danger can feel the same whether the event is a result of a war zone or whether you were shouted at by your school teacher.

So when your body perceives "danger", the stimuli sends a signal to the brain through your nervous system and manifests an action to keep you safe through a Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn response. But that perception of danger isn't necessarily real in the present moment.

The response your body exhibits in these perceived threatening situations is a consequence of the unresolved trauma in your past.

Over the course of your life, your experiences or stories told will form your belief system. If that belief stops you from taking action, it is a limiting belief you hold about yourself. These beliefs have created who you are today, but again are not necessarily needed or true in present time for you to move forwards.

Your body knows what it is capable of doing and what is required to take action or to be still.

So, when a limiting belief takes over or your nervous system believes it needs to take action to protect you, your body is intrinsically changing or even stopping your energetic flow. Your prana (your life force) just like water in a sink, becomes sluggish and blocked.

When your energetic rivers are slow and sluggish, this can influence the pace and positioning of your energy centres (Chakras).

What are Chakras?

Chakras are translated as "wheel" and described as a vortex of spinning wheel of energy. Although we have many Chakras (114 to be exact), there are 7 main Chakras located along the spine, from our tailbone up to our crown which are widely discussed.

The Chakras hold your body's subtle energies or prana "vital life force" which keep us healthy, vibrant and alive. Tuning into your chakras can help inform you of any imbalances, helping you on where to focus your energy, and bring you back into balance.

The chakras can be seen as a ladder to seeking self actualisation; starting with strong foundations within your physical body to making the connection with who you truly are, your relationships and with your universal world.

Your Chakras can act as a navigation system to understanding where there are imbalances in your body, and where you may be holding onto beliefs that are not helpful to your progression and your health. This may also present itself through physical discomfort in the body.

What can you do?

You have the capability to create the foundations and restore balance in your body.

Through tuning into your body; listening to what your body needs from you, you can respond to your intrinsic needs.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list and nor does it go in to the detail that energy therapy deserves, more a taster, an overview of ways to give your mind, body and spirit some TLC!

  • Yoga – Yoga is much more than the Instagram poses you may see. Even choosing your style of Yoga can say alot about your energy frequency and nervous system; from Restorative Yoga to a powerful Vinyasa flow. Listen to what your nervous system truly needs from you, rather than what your energy is wanting.

  • Meditation – For many people, meditation can feel very hard to practice. But there are many ways that you can practice and it doesn’t just need to be in a traditional seating pose. Start small and with an understanding of your purpose for meditating; from learning to connect with your breath, managing anxiety, getting out of your head, and sometimes your body needs you to recognise your inner environment.

  • Shadow work – How often do you spend time exploring the parts of yourself that you cannot see? Healing happens when you can shine the light on the dark. Let the dark come to the surface, and can let go of the parts which are no longer true. By working with a coach, you can start to see the parts of you that have been difficult to see.

  • Walking - especially in nature lowers blood pressure and stress hormone levels, having a calming effect on the nervous system. Barefoot walking allows you to connect with the earth; releasing free electrons from your body. Try combining walking with Mindfulness to disconnect from the inner mind and find presence in the moment.

  • Movement – helps to release stuck energy. Each movement has different benefits and there is more than one way to achieve an outcome. Dancing for example helps you to feel the beat of the music, let your body move and create flow within the sacral chakra.

  • Reiki – A Reiki practitioner will use their energy to bring the clients energy into balance and releasing stuck energy.

  • Other ways I’ve personally explored include Sound Healing, Crystal therapy and Acupuncture. Energy healing is always a personal choice. Your choice!

Have PATIENCE along your healing process.

It can be very easy and understandable to want change immediately. But remember that your body has perceived safety in your current nervous system for so long. Let go of needing to become your highest version in a certain timescale.

So how about it? Are you ready to take back control of who you are and give your energy the time it deserves,and live your truth?

You can download my e-book on understanding your 7 main chakras in more depth. If you would rather work through this in person, then you can join me on A Journey through the Chakras. Details are on my workshops page here.


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Derby, UK

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